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Res Care Plus

Steve Lofthouse: Independent Inspector


Res Care Plus Image

As Inspectors, we like openess and honesty....

...............my charge out rate is £350 per day... that's it!

The number of days depends on how much work is needed, and how many days we agree to use


  • A mock inspection is typically 2 days on site and the feedback later at no extra charge.

  • A programme of themed visits - Action Plans, Communication processes, Resident inclusion etc. 1 day on site and 1 day detailed feedback with suggested solutions. This usually follows a mock inspection.

  • A programme of spot checks - Care plan reviews, supervisions, staff training - as though the Inspector was looking just at this. 1 day including instant feedback.

  • The overall 'package' can be to resolve existing problems ahead of the next inspection then no more, or a programme of visits to ensure compliance is retained, and can included CQC or Local Authority liaison if needed.