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Res Care Plus

Steve Lofthouse: Independent Inspector

Sustainable Compliance

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Its all about your 'systems'

It's one thing for an inspector to be presented with a wealth of evidence, but will that be there next time?

We all know how it works... every so often, or when you get a sniff that an inspection is imminent, you go into crisis management mode. You trawl through your policies and get everyone to sign sheets. You book loads of staff onto training courses they should have had. You start doing quickie supervisions.

Don't kid yourself. Inspectors can see what's happened. Thats why they can't conclude that compliance will be maintained. thats why they mark you down for a quicker follow up inspection. Thats why they don't award you the highest rating.

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Get your systems right

Even if you never ask me in to help you, take that one bit of advice free..... Get Your Systems Right!

Don't crisis manage training. All of your staff will be away training in bulk, and that will impact on your rota, and that increases pressure on staff, and thats where mistakes are made.

I can help you to structure your supervisions with standing items which will link into and generate evidence in a range of other areas, areas you wouldn't have thought it possible to link in with.

..and please... make the most of your action plans... they can be so so valuable!

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Easing the inspection burden

Yes, CQC has said that they are ending 'light touch' inspections, but that doesn't mean they will be coming to you more often. It does mean they could be arriving in teams, and certainly means that they will be taking larger test samples (eg looking at more care plans).

However, if they find evidence that you are crisis managing your evidence, then they will be back far quicker than if they conclude that your systems are good.

Getting it right now can make life far easier for you later!