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Res Care Plus

Steve Lofthouse: Independent Inspector

Creating Evidence

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The Best Evidence

From an Inspectors perspective, the best type of evidence is something which confirms what you are looking for, then points you in the right direction for another golden nugget as well.

I specialise in creating administrative systems which may be IT or paper based, are simple to maintain and self directing, and which actually helps the inspectors while they are doing their job.

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Make it easy for the inspectors

The easier it is for inspectors to find the evidence they are looking for, the better the chances of getting a good report.

If one piece of evidence has reference to others, it all helps the inspectors to find what they are looking for, and to be able to cross reference everything they record.

However, it also helps to build up the picture that the systems in your home are good and are likely to continue to deliver the good care they are seeing.

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If it isn't written down...

... it didn't happen. That's a famous Coroner's statement and is just a valid for us Inspectors.

Yes, we can evidence what we see, but if there's good written evidence about what goes on while we aren't there, then we can easily prove that care is good and should be highly rated.