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Res Care Plus

Steve Lofthouse: Independent Inspector

Supporting your manager

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Two heads are better than one

I am a great 'team player' and value the strength gained from working together with Managers. Bouncing ideas between us we will not only arrive at the best solution for your home, but will embed them with much better foundations than me just coming in and stating "Do this".

Yes, there will be times when I suggest something totally new, but there will always be an explanation why.

Importantly, I can suggest changes which will help Inspectors to reach their goals more easily as well.

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Working smarter

You already have a lot to do and a lot to think about, so why bring in methods which will make life harder?

I can help you to tweak what you already do, by helping you to link processes together, or can show you how to do things differently. Remember, I have seen and tested a huge range of systems in many other care homes so I have a lot of ideas to bring with me.

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It's not an admission of failure

Managers often fall into one of two types - those who specialise in delivering great care, but at the cost of great paperwork. and those who are good administrators but the care standards often slip.

Those who can achieve both are in homes which are fully compliant and are likely remain so.

I've seen many really great, inspirational managers delivering superb care, but their paperwork wouldn't allow me to evidence it. That's where I come in.