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Res Care Plus

Steve Lofthouse: Independent Inspector

What I do

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Once an Inspector, always an Inspector

As an inspector for a Local Authority carrying out CQC style inspections, I loved examining systems and records to find the evidence I needed to appraise the quality of the home and thereby set their banded payment level.

However, what I found frustrating was seeing that excellent care is being provided, but they hadn't recorded things properly. Doubly frustrating was the fact that I knew how they could improve things, but wasn't able to give them the help they needed. Equally hard was going into a home and finding it difficult to get the evidence at all. They were writing things down but not in a structured way, so my job was made even harder.

Following my redundancy, I am now free to engage with Managers and Owners, to get stuck in and set up new systems and processes, and to make the lives of both Managers and Inspectors that bit easier.

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I don't like tick box cultures

If you are looking for a 'quick fix', a few new forms with tick boxes to help 'patch over' the issues raised in your latest inspection..... then I'm probably not the man you want.

I believe that all of your forms, documents, processes and evidence should lead back to the residents.

I can help you with the ways that you gather the evidence from your processes, or introduce new ways of working which generates evidence.

Did you know that you can build these into things like Supervisions and Action Plans so that you are driving towards new evidence all of the time?... and without having to work harder than you already are.

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My job now

Is to help you to generate better evidence for your inspections.

That means looking at how you do things now, then making suggestions about how to change things, or introduce totally new ways of working.

It also means helping and supporting your Manager. I've seen many very good managers who are great at delivering good care, but who can't get the paper chase right.

I have a mantra.. "Try working smarter before working harder" and that's exactly what I will help you to do.